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Top 10 Elder Scrolls Quests

Top 10 Elder Scrolls Quests
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script Written by Alex Crilly-Mckean

Whether you're fighting for the future of Tamriel, serving a Daedric Prince or just getting into trouble, these are the adventures that make up one of the greatest series of fantasy video games of all time! Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Elder Scrolls Quests.

For this list we will be looking over all the entries in the Elder Scrolls series and selecting which missions provided the most intrigue and enjoyment. These can be from any game and any faction, and we will spoiling the quests in their entirety so consider yourself warned! With that said, grab your sword, ready your Dragonshouts and let's begin!

Special thanks to our users Heide Warrior, Allan Trinidad, ZeUnderscore, tandee82, and Chris Rochford for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest

Script Written by Alex Crilly-Mckean

#10: Sanguine
“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” (2006)

The Daedric Quests are always some of the most entertaining since they’ll more than likely have you doing something no civilised adventurer would do. Well say hello to most taboo of them, Sanguine, the Prince of Debauchery! After appeasing his altar with of some brandy, Sanguine will command that you go and liven up a very dull dinner party full of snobbish nobles. After getting past the guard, the player has to cast the spell Stark Reality, which will cause the guests to start going wild and shed all their clothes. Well, that’s one way to get a party going!

#9: Dagoth-Ur
“The Elder Scrolls: Arena” (1994)

Harkening back to the early days of the Elder Scrolls, this is one of those quests that makes the player feel like they have earned their reward. With one a final piece missing from the Staff of Chaos, the player has to find the last fragment...which just so happens to lie in the heart of the largest volcano in Morrowind. Yes – That volcano, in THAT morrowind. You have to go the King at Palace Ebonheart who says he can reveal the entrance to the volcano but you have to find an ancient hammer that lies within a dungeon called the Black Gate which is filled with puzzles and traps and bring the hammer back to the King then head into the volcano, then fight a deadly vampire and loot his corpse to find a key which leads you to the Staff Piece.
Yeah…you definitely feel like you earn that damn staff…

#8: The Mind of Madness
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)

Also in:

Top 10 Elder Scrolls Quests You Never Found

When a deranged beggar approaches you and begs to help find his master it seems like as simple quest. Well the game completely pulls the rug from under your feet as it transports you into the mind of a long deceased, insane, homicidal emperor. Who just happens to be having a tea party with the Deadric Prince of Madness himself, Sheogorath. In order to escape you have to treat the mental scars that haunt the emperor, all the while you are serenaded with the Mad God’s hilarious narration.

#7: Journey to Aetherius
“The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall” (1996)

Now this is how you make a finale! In the last quest of the series second instalment, the player is transported to an alternate dimension known as Aetherius in order to retrieve the Mantella, an artefact of great power once used by the late emperor Tiber Septim. Of course its not simply a case of hopping to the dimension next door, Aetherius is a place made of six sections, each containing tricky puzzles as well as some of the toughest enemies in the game such as Vampire Ancients and Daedra Lords. You may want to stock up before taking on this one…

#6: The House of Horrors
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)

Also in:

Top 10 Skyrim Quests All Fans Need To Beat

We all knew that Skyrim excelled at epic fantasy, but who knew it offered some genuine frights? Enter the House of Horrors! Recruited by a wandering exorcist of sorts, you venture into the seemingly abandoned house to check for any Daedric activity. What you find is a scene right out of The Poltergeist as the house seems to come alive, a terrifying voice fills your mind and things turn nasty. Turns out it’s the Daedric Prince of Domination, Molag Bal! After making you kill the exorcist, he demands that you find and bring him the priest who has desecrated his altar. After doing so you get to torture said priest until he gives in and surrenders his soul to Molag Bal. The quest is harrowing, full of scares but ever so much fun!

#5: Disrupt the Skaal Hunt
“The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon” (2003)

The Elder Scrolls are well known for having incredibly detailed and enjoyable expansion packs, one of the highest regarded being Bloodmoon – which, is set in Soltheinm, where Skyrim’s Dragonborn expansion is also set! After being cursed with lycanthropy – that’s werewolfism btw - the player is given the option to serve the Daedric Prince of the Hunt, Hircine. If you feeling a little a rebellious and not a huge fan of the Skaal people then this might be the quest for you! Just as they prepare their annual tradition of hunting the creature known as the Spirit Bear, you get to tear them apart and hunt the beast for yourself! Nothing like cutting loose!

#4: A Night to Remember
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)

Also in:

Top 10 Elder Scrolls Games

Admit it, everyone has had those drunken nights you aren’t exactly proud of. Though chances are you never had one quite like this! After getting wasted with a friendly stranger, you wake up with no recollection of what happened the night before and have to retrace your steps. Turns out you had quite a wild time. Your trashed a temple, stole a goat, and got married to a literal Hag. Eventually you track down the stranger who turns out to be, surprise, surprise, Sanguine. Sharing a drink with a literal devil has never been so entertaining.

#3: Corprus Cure
“The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind” (2002)

No one likes getting sick, though in Morrowind you don’t just get a cold, you get Corprus, which is a million times worse. A disease that apparently cause cancerous growths, violent insanity, and makes a lot of people flee from your very presence, the supposed cure lies in the hands of a four thousand year old wizard. Of course he’s not going to give it to you for free, and what he wants lies in a charming dungeon filled will anyone who has lost themselves to Corprus. This quest is already notable for making you use flying spells to navigate the wizards tower – because wizards don’t need stairs, duh. But it earns it’s space as a true classic because it’s the only time you ever get to talk to a living dwarf…and one who’s really sorta let himself go at that.

#2: A Deadra’s Best Friend
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)

Also in:

Top 10 Things You Never Knew About Elder Scrolls

Dragons, Undead, Vampires, Giant Spiders, there is no end to the craziness that Skyrim throws your way, yet somehow the craziest thing is still the fact that there is a talking dog in the game named Barbas. You encounter him on your travels and asks you to help repair his relationship with his master. Turns out his master is Clavicus Vile, the Daedric Prince of Wishes. He agrees to take his furry friend back if you bring him an enchanted axe, and while that may provide a bit of a challenge, the real reason this quests is remembered so fondly is the choice at the end. He lets you keep the weapon…if you kill Barbas with it. We’re pretty sure players stressed over this decision more than saving all of Skyrim…

Before we set out for our number one pick. Here are a few honourable mentions!

Touching the Sky
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard” (2012)

No One Escapes Cidhna Mine
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)

The Ultimate Heist
“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” (2006)

Blood On The Ice
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)

An Unexpected Voyage
“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” (2006)

#1: Whodunit?
“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” (2006)

Everyone loves a good murder mystery, especially when you get to be the murderer! After joining the assassin’s guild known as the Dark Brotherhood, you are eventually given the task of killing six strangers who have all been locked in a mansion under the illusion there is treasure hidden inside. Despite its morbid subject, it’s oddly thrilling to assassinate each target without being seen, playing off their weaknesses and using misdirection and manipulation to never place yourself under suspicion. There’s no one way to do it, and plenty of fun to be had. All hail Sithis!

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