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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Nick Spake
The lawyers taking part in the Johnny Depp Amber Heard Trial have had a lot of standout moments. For this list, we'll be looking at the most heated, integral, and surreal moments involving the attorneys involved in the Depp v. Heard trial. Our countdown includes Elaine Bredehoft's Johnny Depp Impression, Adam Nadelhaft Objecting To Himself, Richard Marks Losing His Patience, and more!

The lawyers taking part in the Johnny Depp Amber Heard Trial have had a lot of standout moments. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most heated, integral, and surreal moments involving the attorneys involved in the Depp v. Heard trial. Our countdown includes Elaine Bredehoft’s Johnny Depp Impression, Adam Nadelhaft Objecting To Himself, Richard Marks Losing His Patience, and more! Which Depp v. Heard lawyer would you want on your legal team? Let us know in the comments.

#10: Dismissing a Dismissal

After thirteen days, Depp’s attorneys rested their case on May 3, 2022. Although the trial was far from over, one of Heard’s attorneys, J. Benjamin Rottenborn, asked Judge Penney Azcarate to dismiss the case right then and there. Rottenborn argued that Depp’s legal team hadn’t presented “clear and convincing evidence.” He also claimed that Depp was the aggressor in the relationship and that the plaintiff couldn’t “prove Ms. Heard acted with actual malice.” Benjamin Chew, one of Depp’s attorneys, countered that they had provided credible witnesses and substantial evidence that Heard was the aggressor. Azcarate ultimately denied Heard’s motion to strike, finding that there was enough evidence to move forward. The first defense witness and Heard herself would take the stand shortly after.

#9: Not Wasting Anyone’s Time

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During a cross-examination, Rottenborn asked Depp about a message that he sent to Elton John, in which the actor thanked the English singer for helping him with his sobriety. Depp proceeded to talk about John’s sobriety and their friendship. On the grounds that Depp was providing unnecessary background information, Rottenborn cut him off. Depp said that he would stop talking, but he seemed to grow more frustrated when Rottenborn implied that he was wasting the court’s time. Depp retorted that he didn’t feel he was wasting anyone’s time, only to be interrupted again with more questions. While Rottenborn maintained a no-nonsense demeanor for the most part, even he had a hard time not laughing when Depp made a crack about giving Marilyn Manson a pill.

#8: Richard Marks Loses Patience

On the stand, entertainment lawyer Richard Marks discussed the “devastating” effect that Heard’s op-ed had on Depp’s career. Being cross-examined by one of Heard’s lawyers, Adam Nadelhaft, Marks was questioned about a series of articles that criticized Depp before the op-ed’s publication. While Marks acknowledged that negative press against Depp existed, he didn’t recall the specific articles that Nadelhaft listed. As Nadelhaft continued to read article headlines, an increasingly frustrated Marks couldn’t help but start cracking jokes, even referencing Netflix Is a Joke. By the time Nadelhaft landed on an article about Depp’s comments concerning Donald Trump, Marks appeared to be officially over this cross-examination. They’d eventually get back to discussing the op-ed, but even then, they seemed to go around in circles.

#7: Read That Again

Depp seems to be aware that the trial can feel repetitive, and despite the serious questioning he has faced, he has chosen to make light of the monotony. With Depp on the stand, Rottenborn relayed a 2013 text conversation between the former couple. On multiple occasions, Rottenborn asked Depp if he was reading the messages correctly. The first couple of times, Depp simply concurred. The series of texts culminated with Depp writing something disturbing about Heard’s neck. After Rottenborn read this particular text twice, Depp asked him to read it yet again, igniting laughter from part of the courtroom. Depp was likely mocking Rottenborn, as he subsequently confirmed that the attorney had read the text correctly.

#6: Heard Watched It

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During her second day on the stand, Heard recalled an alleged incident where Depp didn’t come home. She claimed that he was in a hotel room with Paul Bettany and had to be carried home. In the middle of this testimony, Camille Vasquez, one of Depp’s lawyers, objected. Heard’s lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, instructed her client to proceed. Heard got in only a few more words before Vasquez objected again. Before Bredehoft could finish asking her about these accusations, Heard bluntly interjected, “I watched it.” This exchange is similar to another moment when Heard reflected on an engagement party. Once again, Vasquez objected, Bredehoft and Heard talked at the same time, and Heard said, “I watched it.” We’re starting to experience deja vu watching this trial.

#5: Elaine Bredehoft’s Johnny Depp Impression

Johnny Depp has a distinctive voice that’s not hard to imitate. Even Elaine Bredehoft can do a Depp impersonation. Whether it’s a good or bad impression is up for debate, but it definitely made for one of the defense team’s most amusing moments. Questioning Heard, Bredehoft quoted an audiotape of Depp in the actors’ voice. It’s debatable if Bredehoft intended to mimic Depp or if listening to the actors’ testimony for weeks on end rubbed off on her subconsciously. Either way, Depp couldn’t hold back a smirk upon hearing Bredehoft’s impression of him. Bredehoft subsequently repeated part of the quote, although she used her regular voice this time. Will we ever hear that voice again?

#4: Adam Nadelhaft Objects… To Himself

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Sometimes attorneys don’t get the answers they’re looking for. Such was the case during Adam Nadelhaft’s cross-examination of Ben King, Depp’s former house manager. Nadelhaft insinuated that King hadn’t been told what caused damage to Depp’s hand back in 2015. Heard’s attorney seemingly wasn’t prepared when King started to say that the doctor had indeed informed him about Depp’s finger injury. Stumbling over his own question, Nadelhaft interrupted with two words we’ve heard a lot throughout this trial: “objection” and “hearsay.” As familiar as those legal terms have become, Nadelhaft shook things up by objecting to his own question. Judge Azcarate didn’t let this go unnoticed while Benjamin Chew whispered something to Depp. Nadelhaft continued, but still didn’t get the answers that he probably wanted.

#3: Most Bizarre Deposition Ever

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Of all the witnesses who have testified during this trial, Alejandro Romero stands out for a few reasons. The front desk employee who worked at the building where Depp lived with Heard, Romero pre-recorded his deposition from a car while vaping. Whether he was in a rush or simply didn’t give a hoot, Romero started driving away before his deposition wrapped up. After watching the video, everyone had the same thought, but Elaine Bredehoft was among the first to say it aloud. Bredehoft called it “the most bizarre deposition” she had ever seen. The two legal teams haven’t agreed on much, which is kind of the whole idea of court. However, few can argue that “bizarre” isn’t an accurate description of Romero’s deposition.

#2: “Objection, Hearsay”

If you weren’t familiar with “objection” or “hearsay” before, you’ll know them by the end of this trial. While far from uncommon legal phrases, you could make a drinking game out of how many times they’ve been said throughout Depp v. Heard. Of course, we’re confident that there isn’t enough rum to go around. It’s hard to say whose testimony ignited the most objections, but Camille Vasquez was certainly on top of things when Heard took the stand. During the testimony of Jack Whigham, Depp’s agent, objections could be heard from both sides. Although Benjamin Chew’s cross-examination of Whigham wasn’t long, Elaine Bredehoft still interjected multiple objections. In one instance, Depp actually turned the tables, using what he described as Rottenborn’s “favorite word.”

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

The Great Muffin Caper

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How Long Are They Going to Talk About Baked Goods?

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They Were Bound to Cross Paths Eventually, We Guess…

The Wrong Witness

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Bredehoft Mistakes Dawn Hughes for Shannon Curry

As Long As You’re Happy, Sir

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Things Get Snarky Between Depp & Rottenborn Yet Again

Bredehoft Accused of Harassing Jack Whigham

Chew Argued That He Did Answer the Question

#1: Camille Vasquez Cross-Examines Heard

The plaintiff and defendant may be celebrities, but Camille Vasquez has emerged as the trial’s breakout star. No, Depp and his lawyer aren’t dating, but their hug has become a viral sensation. As charming and warm as Vasquez can be, she’s resilient in a cross-examination. During an especially intense exchange, Vasquez questioned Heard about the $7 million divorce settlement that she claimed would go to charity. As Heard began to respond, Vasquez firmly and as “respectfully” as possible noted that she wasn’t answering the question asked. Finally, Vasquez got Heard to answer that the donation had yet to be made. In another compelling moment, Vasquez showed several photos challenging Heard’s claims of injuries. One verdict is already in: Vasquez has won over the internet.
