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No, it works! We swear! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most embarrassing product launch mishaps, forever immortalized thanks to being captured on live TV. Our countdown includes products Wii Sports, an "unbreakable" phone, a stumbling robot and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most embarrassing product launch mishaps, forever immortalized thanks to being captured on live TV. Have you witnessed a product demo fail live on TV? Put your experience on display in the comments below.

#10: Microsoft Surface Gets Stuck

In 2012, Microsoft unveiled the Surface tablet, a potential rival to the iPad. But when Windows division president Steven Sinofsky stepped out to introduce the product, things didn’t go quite as planned. While showcasing the tablet’s features, Sinofsky swiped across the screen and received no response. He repeated this again and again, but the device simply refused to do anything. This embarrassing moment was magnified by the live cameras for the whole world to see. Despite Sinofsky’s attempts to conceal the issue, the damage was already done. Unsurprisingly, the Surface tablet failed to match the success of the iPad, with the First Generation being labeled an “unmitigated disaster”.

#9: iPhone X Facial Recognition Fail

Apple’s iPhone X introduced several groundbreaking features, most notably the Face ID recognition system, positioned as a seamless replacement of the Touch ID. However, during the first public demonstration of the device, Face ID encountered a conspicuous hiccup. Apple Software executive Craig Federighi attempted to unlock the device by simply looking at it, but the facial recognition seemingly failed, reverting to the passcode screen. This sparked concerns about a major flaw with the feature. However, according to Apple, the device only required a passcode because multiple individuals other than Federighi had triggered the Face ID when they handled it backstage. Nevertheless, it was an embarrassing episode that resulted in a momentary stock drop for the company.

#8: Wii Sports on HSN

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The Nintendo Wii and its wireless controller have surely led to a fair share of damaged household items over the course of its existence. As such, you would think that folks performing a TV demo would proceed with a bit more caution! In 2009, the Home Shopping Network advertised the console, and its handy-dandy remote, but failed to properly latch the tennis racket attachment. And so, the host sets us a serve– and launches the Wiimote directly at the television, breaking it. We give him credit for really putting his back into that swing– but don’t try that at home!

#7: Bump Key Refuses to Engage

Bump keys have become an all too common tool for burglars seeking an easy and fast way to gain access into a home. So it’s understandable that a news team would want to enlighten local residents about them. However, this Fox 5 reporter took things a step further by demonstrating how the keys work live on TV. What was supposed to be a brief demo turned into an agonizing few minutes as the reporter continued to hit at the lock to no avail. Eventually, he throws in the towel and decides to cut to another segment. If we got one thing from this fiasco, it’s that this man definitely chose the right profession.

#6: Sonim’s “Unbreakable” Phone Breaks

In 2010, Sonim Technologies unveiled the XP3.2 Quest Pro, boasting it as the toughest phone on the market. According to the company, you could drop the device onto concrete, submerge it in water and subject it to extreme pressures, and it would remain good as new. But all of those claims were shattered when put to the test by BBC reporter Dan Simmons. After submerging the phone in water, Simmons attempted to prove its durability by hitting the screen against the side of an aquarium. To everyone’s surprise, the supposedly indestructible phone cracked after just a few tries, right in front of Sonim’s CEO. Needless to say, the embarrassment was palpable.

#5: Microsoft Vista Voice Recognition Fail

Today, voice recognition is a ubiquitous feature in electronic devices. However, back in 2006, it was still a novel technology when Microsoft integrated it into their Windows Vista operating system. During a Financial Analyst Meeting, one Microsoft employee was tasked with demonstrating the voice recognition feature, and let’s just say, there wasn’t a lot of recognition going on. The employee tried to write a letter beginning with “Dear Mom,” but the software misunderstood and typed “Dear Aunt” instead. Subsequent efforts to correct this error failed, leading to a string of nonsensical words. Microsoft attributed the hiccup to ambient noise, but something else may have been at play as the hall was clearly silent before the glitches started.

#4: Cybertruck Bulletproof Glass Shatters

There aren’t many things as embarrassing as watching the highlight of your product fail in front of a live audience. That was exactly what happened to Elon Musk at the 2019 unveiling of the cybertruck. Hailed as a bulletproof electric vehicle with armored glass, Musk put those features to the test by instructing a designer to hurl a steel ball at the windows. The supposedly indestructible glass only took one hit before shattering in front of the audience. The test was repeated with a different window, which also shattered, alongside any of Musk’s confidence. The red-faced CEO attempted to salvage the awkward situation with some humor, but there’s hardly any way to come back from such a snafu.

#3: Honda’s Asimo Robot Tumbles

How does the nursery rhyme go again? “Honda’s Asimo climbed a staircase, Honda’s Asimo fell on its face.” No? While that may not be an actual rhyme, it was indeed the turn of events at a live showcase of Honda’s humanoid robot, the Asimo. During the program, Asimo was given the simple but seemingly arduous task of ascending a flight of stairs. The robot only managed to take two steps before tumbling down the staircase and falling on its face. It didn’t take long before all of Honda’s horses and all of Honda’s men came out to try and put Asimo back together again. We can only hope this contemporary nursery rhyme had a happy ending.

#2: iPhone Fails to Connect to Wi-Fi

Apple’s keynote events typically come with remarkable new devices and a plethora of brilliant features. But sometimes, they also bring with them the occasional technical glitch. Take the 2010 launch of the iPhone 4, for example. Steve Jobs’ demo of the device was going pretty smoothly, until he decided to open up the New York Times live. While the display was reflected on a massive screen behind him, Jobs’ phone failed to connect to the Wi-Fi and projected a massive error message. Stranded without an internet connection, the late CEO was left with no other option but to beg the crowd of journalists and bloggers to disable their Wi-Fi stations, allowing him to proceed.

#1: Windows 98 Crashes Live on Stage

Needless to say, Microsoft has had its fair share of product fails and mishaps over the years. But perhaps the most unforgettable occurred at COMDEX in 1998. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was on stage with his assistant at the time, Chris Capossela, demonstrating the plug and play function of the then-upcoming Windows 98. However, once Capossela connected a scanner to the demo PC, he was quickly greeted with the all too familiar Blue Screen of Death. Imagine having such an embarrassing moment in front of your boss. Thankfully, Gates was able to defuse the situation with a hilarious remark, turning what could have been a nerve-wracking experience into a memorable anecdote.
