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VOICE OVER: Matthew Wende
Written by Matt Wende

Social media giant Twitter has announced that it will be shutting down Vine, the social media service that allows it's users to post six second videos. WatchMojo presents 3 pieces of breaking news that you need to know about Twitter killing a company that it paid $30 Million for just a a few years ago? But what is the fate of Viners like King Bach and Amanda Cerny? What does this mean for Vine's competition such as Periscope and Instagram? And why did Twitter make such a drastic decision. Watch to find out!
Careful what video apps you’re posting with; Twitter’s making moves that are shaking up the Internet! Welcome to WatchMojo news, the series from where we look at news that should be on your radar. In this installment, we’re looking at 3 things (facts?) you should know about Twitter Killing Vine.

#3: What Is Vine?

Founded in June 2012 and acquired by Twitter in October of that same year to the tune of about $30 million dollars, Vine is a social media service that allows users to post six second videos that play on a loop. The micro-video blogging trend sooncaught on, and Twitter saw the service as a great addition to its own text-based posting system. Vine grew in popularity with comedians like King Bach becoming the most followed Viner, with 16.2 million followers as of October 2016, as well as by users utilizing it to perpetuate viral trends such as twerking. French duo Daft Punk even announced one of their album’s track listings on it. In spite of the company’s astounding success, on October 27th, 2016, Twitter announced that it would be shutting down Vine in the coming months. One of Vine’s founders, Rus Yusupov, was more than a little bitter, responding with the cautionary tweet: “Don’t sell your company!”

#2: Why Did Vine Get Cut?

A variety of reasons led to the demise of the social media service. Before the announcement, Vine’s parent company Twitter stated that the company’s growth had been slow, and was cutting some of its workforce. It’s speculated that one of the principle reasons for the closure is Twitter acquiring the app Periscope in 2015. Periscope allows users to live stream from their phone, while tweeting out links to their streams. Although different from Vine, the service is similar enough that Twitter could decide against supporting both in a company that may not be hitting its growth targets. Furthermore, in the months before the announcement, popular Viners had already begun to leave the service in favor of other social media services, such as Instagram.

#1: What's Next for Online Video Sharing?

With Instagram’s popularity reaching phenomenal heights, online video posting is very much well and alive. It is yet to be seen how quickly Vine users will be jumping ship after the news, but the public outcry on Twitter mostly consisted of surprised and unimpressed tweets. If you’re a Vine user and are worried about your videos being lost forever, don’t worry; Twitter and Vine noted in their joint statement that it would not be deleting any Vines today. They also did not give a hard date on when the service will be permanently closed, so if you have any modern masterpieces on there, we’d recommend you downloading them ASAP.

So, are you surprised by Vine shutting down? Where will you go for your all your video-clip sharing needs? For more happening news stories and popculture lists published every day, subscribe to
