coding coding language Java C++ MySQL Python HTML

Which coding language is best for you?

With so many courses included in this bundle, your options are limitless

Coding has become so popular with Americans, even children are heading to coding camps for the summer! Anyone looking to build experience for a job, a new career, or keep up to date on the latest advances in tech is jumping into e-learning programs. Some courses are bundled together, like the Learn to Code 2021 Certification Bundle, giving you an all-in-one option for more choice. On sale for $54.99, this bundle will make you ask: which coding language is right for me?


Java isn’t just coffee or the name of an island; it’s also a popular coding language for those involved in client-facing roles. It builds websites, front-end apps, and even browser-based games! Many Android apps are built with Java and it’s also common for beginner coders to start with Java. Instructors like John Bura, who has had over 250,000 students learn game design, uses Java to build mobile games like those in the bundle.


As we move towards a more digital world there’s a need for basic functionality to be modular, and that’s where C++ comes in. Used in operating systems, drivers, and more to create a base-level functionality, C++ thrives when it comes to coding nuts and bolts software. Leading these courses is Zenva Academy, which is known for its courses on full-stack web development and and game development, earning at an instructor rating of 4.4/5 stars from over 22,000 past students.


MySQL, related to Standard Query Language, is a relational database code used to house and organize vast quantities of data. Anyone who has used Excel knows how unwieldy it is when you have a mass of rows or you need to compare sheets. MySQL takes care of that, so if you are interested in using and manipulating data this is a code for you.

These three coding languages are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to computer science. The Learn to Code 2021 Certification Bundle includes these plus Python, Ruby, Honeycode, HTML, Raspberry Pi, and many more. Last year this bundle had over 51,000 students enrolled, and with more than 270 hours of content for only $54.99, it’s a deal you can’t pass up.
